Wednesday 20 April 2016

Dom's Kingdom :)

We finally dealt with stubborn roller blind in Dom's room... what a fight!!!

You should see us - almost defeated, with murder in our eyes :) But we won this crazy fight, with cutting, fitting and testing :)

So... if you dare

We are opening gate to Dom's Castle :)

Be aware of  some vicious creatures!!!

Tigress is keeping Dom's bed warm :)

Few of Dom's masterpieces :)

Nice posters from and bunting made by Mum :)

Dom's dragon standing on guard of Dom's books :)

Crazy fly made by Dom from his Trio blocks :)

Currently fave puzzles ( but why Mum or Dad should put them together). Hihihi!

Dom likes his room and spend lots of time in there, we are reading books together and playing with his cars making lots of crashes and laughing a lot there.